Ivan Maslin

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Ivan Maslin is one of those hidden gems in yoyoing, but Werrd found him and we’re extremely happy that we did! He has only been yoyoing for a few years, but he is already light years ahead of the competition. Ivan has made countless appearances on Innovation Movement, and is one of the most well known yoyoers in the Russian scene. His yoyoing has matured so quickly that it’s almost scary, and he is still growing as a player. He is going to make a big impact on the European contest scene, and all should watch out for what he has to bring to the table. We’re are extremely excited to have Ivan as a part of our Wrecking Crew!

Name: Ivan Maslin

Hometown: Moscow

Years yoyoing: statrted in autumn 2009

Main style of play: 1A

Favorite yo-yo(s): Irony jp, supernova

Favorite food(s): Chicken curry

Favorite yo-yoer(s): Jensen Kimmitt, Yuuki Spencer

Favorite music/band(s): Apollo Brown, Jazz Liberatorz, Tantu(and many other beatmakers)

Favorite movie: Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo, Crank 1,2